Rafael Lani-Louzada, Frederico Castelo Moura. Importance of Ophthalmological Evaluation in the Conservative Management of Increased Intracranial Pressure from a Ruptured Arachnoid Cyst. Neuro-Ophthalmology. Published online: 13 Jul 2023 DOI
Francisco Saulo Sampaio Cardoso Tavares, Frederico Castelo Moura. Early macular thickness changes in Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy: case report. JFO Open Ophthalmology Volume 3, September 2023, 100039 DOI PDF
Juliana Albano de Guimaraes, Roberta Melissa Benetti Zagui e Frederico Castelo Moura. Congenital opticmeningocele: diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up. Orbit 2023 Jun 21:1-5. DOI
Juliana Albano de Guimarães; Frederico Castelo Moura. Ipsilateral nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy: case report and discussion on pathophysiological mechanisms.EeOftalmo. 2022;8(2):53-6. DOI PDF
BANDOLI, Lorranne and MOURA, Frederico. Autoimmune optic neuropathy as the differential diagnosis of neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders. Arq. Bras. Oftalmol. 2022, DOI PDF
Paulo de Tarso Ponte Pierre-Filho, Lucas Linhares Pierr, Frederico Castelo Moura and Paulo Puglia Junior . Transverse Venous Sinus Stenting For Pseudotumor Cerebri Syndrome in a Child Using Recombinant Human Growth Hormone. JSM Ophthalmology 2022. DOI PDF
Juliana A de Guimarães; Frederico C Moura. Refractory rhino-orbito-cerebral mucormycosis treated with intraconal amphotericin B. Arq Bras Oftalmol 2021. PAP. DOI PDF
Juliana Guimaraes. Gabriela Teixeira, Taiane Silva, Frederico Moura. Optic disc edema and posterior globe flattening secondary to ocular hypotony: case report and discussion regarding pathophysiology and clinical findings. JOURNAL OF NEURO-OPHTHALMOLOGY, v. 12, p. 33-34, 2020. DOI PDF
Marina Monteiro Viturino,Frederico Castelo Moura. Recurrent idiopathic neuroretinitis as a spectrum of atypical optic neuritis: a case report and literature review. Arq Bras Oftalmol 2018; 81(1):70-72. DOI PDF
Frederico C Moura, Ida Fortini. Optociliary Shunt Vessels: Role in Diagnosis and Treatment of Atypical Pseudotumor Cerebri. Neuro-Ophthalmology. 2017;41(4): 224-26. DOI PDF
Fernanda Maria Silveira Souto, José Paulo Cabral de Vasconcellos, Mônica Barbosa de Melo, Edi Lúcia Sartorato & Frederico Castelo Moura . Differentiating Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy from Normal-Tension Glaucoma. Neuro-ophthalmology. 2017 Feb 17;41(2):99-102. DOI PDF
Prado, Renata F.; Moura, Frederico Castelo. Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy with Interval of Visual Loss Greater Than 12 Months. Neuro-ophthalmology. 2016;40(5):243-246. DOI PDF
Moura, Frederico C. Comentario sobre o artigo ” The expanded spectrum of neuromyelitis optica – evidences for a new definition“de autoria de Marco A. Lana-Peixoto e Dagoberto Callegaro. E- OFTALMO.CBO v. 1, n. 3 (2015) DOI PDF
Frederico Moura; Douglas Sato, Carolina Rimkus; Samira Apostolos; Luana Micheli; Claudia Leite; Kazuo Fujihara; Mario Monteiro; Dagoberto Callegaro. Anti-MOG (Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein)–Positive Severe Optic Neuritis with Optic Disc Ischaemia and Macular Star. Neuro-Ophthalmology. Published online: 10 Nov 2015 DOI PDF
Germano, Renato S; Franco, Ruth F.; Matas, Sandro; Moura, Frederico C. Pseudotumor Cerebri Associated with Leuprolide Acetate for Central Precocious Puberty-Case Report. Journal of Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology. 2015, v.06, p.444 – 446. DOI PDF
Moura, Frederico Castelo ;Takahashi, Vitor, Minelli, Eduardo . Síndrome ocular isquêmica simulando retinopatia diabética unilateral: relato de caso e revisão da literatura. RevistaPDF Brasileira de Oftalmologia (Impresso), v. 71, p. 250-252, 2012. DOI PDF
Moura, Frederico C. ; Fernandes, Danilo B. ; Apóstolos-Pereira, Samira L. ; Callegaro, Dagoberto ; Marchiori, Paulo E. ; Monteiro, Mário L.R. . Optical coherence tomography evaluation of retinal nerve fiber layer in longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis. Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria (Impresso), v. 69, p. 69-73, 2011. DOI PDF
Barreira Junior, Alan Kardec ; Moura, Frederico Castelo ; Monteiro, Mario Luiz Ribeiro . Linfoma não-Hodgkin bilateral do seio cavernoso como manifestação inicial da síndrome de imunodeficiência adquirida: relato de caso. Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia (Impresso), v. 74, p. 130-131, 2011. DOI PDF
Oliveira, Cristiana Dumaresq de ; Gonçalves, Allan C. Pieroni ; Moura, Frederico Castelo ; Rossato, Luiz Angelo ; monteiro, mario . Acometimento orbitário na doença de Rosai-Dorfman. Revista Brasileira de Oftalmologia (Impresso), v. 70, p. 46-50, 2011. DOI PDF
Moura, Frederico C ; Monteiro, Mario . Evaluation of retinal nerve fiber layer thickness measurements using optical coherence tomography in patients with tobacco-alcohol-induced toxic optic neuropathy. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology (Bombay), v. 58, p. 143-46, 2010. DOI PDF
Moura, Frederico Castelo ; Costa-Cunha, Luciana Virginia Ferreira ; Malta, Roberto Freire Santiago; Monteiro, Mario. Relationship between visual field sensitivity loss and quadrantic macular thickness measured with Stratus-Optical coherence tomography in patients with chiasmal syndrome. Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia (Impresso), v. 73, p. 409-413, 2010. DOI PDF
Hokazono, Kenzo; Oliveira, Marcelo ; Moura, Frederico Castelo; Monteiro,Mario. Síndrome do ápice orbitário causada por herpes zóster oftálmico: relato de caso e revisão da literatura. Revista Brasileira de Oftalmologia (Impresso), v. 68, p. 304-308, 2009. DOI PDF
Monteiro, Mario; Moura, Frederico Castelo; Medeiros, Felipe Araújo . Scanning Laser Polarimetry with Enhanced Corneal Compensation for Detection of Axonal Loss in Band Atrophy of the Optic Nerve. American Journal of Ophthalmology, v. 145, p. 747-754, 2008. DOI PDF
Hokazono, Kenzo; Moura, Frederico Castelo; Monteiro, Mario. Meningioma do nervo óptico simulando progressão de dano axonal glaucomatoso: relato de caso. Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia, v. 71, p. 725-728, 2008. DOI PDF
Monteiro, Mario; Portes, André L. F. ; Moura, Frederico Castelo; Regensteiner, Dina B. W. Using frequency-doubling perimetry to detect optic neuropathy in patients with Graves orbitopathy. Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology, v. 52, p. 475-482, 2008. DOI PDF
Zagui, Roberta Melissa Benetti ; Matayoshi, Suzana ; Moura, Frederico Castelo. Efeitos adversos associados à aplicação de toxina botulínica na face: revisão sistemática com meta-análise. Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia (Impresso), v. 71, p. 894-901, 2008. DOI PDF
Monteiro,Mario; Moura, Frederico Castelo . Aspectos oftalmológicos da síndrome da hipertensão intracraniana idiopática (pseudotumor cerebral). Revista Brasileira de Oftalmologia (Impresso), v. 67, p. 196-203, 2008. DOI PDF
Monteiro, Mario; Leal, Bruno; Moura, Frederico Castelo; Vessani, Roberto; Medeiros, Felipe. Comparison of retinal nerve fiber layer measurements using optical coherence tomography versions 1 and 3 and eye of band atrophy of the optic nerve and normals control.. Eye (London. 1987), Eye advance online publication, v. 21, p. 16-22, 2007. DOI PDF
Monteiro, Mario; Moura, Frederico Castelo. Comparison of the GDx VCC scanning laser polarimeter and the stratus optical coherence tomograph in the detection of band atrophy of the optic nerve. Eye (London. 1987), v. 21, p. 641-648, 2007. DOI PDF
Moura, Frederico Castelo; Medeiros, Felipe; Monteiro, Mario. Evaluation of macular thickness measurements for detection of band atrophy of the optic nerve using optical coherence tomography. Ophthalmology (Rochester, Minn.), v. 114, p. 175-181, 2007. DOI PDF
Monteiro, Mario; Moura, Frederico Castelo. Medeiros, Felipe Andrade. Diagnostic ability of optical coherence tomography with a normative database to detect band atrophy of the optic nerve. American Journal of Ophthalmology, v. 143, p. 896-899, 2007. DOI PDF
Monteiro, Mario; Moura, Frederico Castelo ; Cunha, Leonardo. Frequency doubling perimetry in patients with mild and moderate pituitary tumor-associated visual field defects detected by conventional perimetry. Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia (Impresso), v. 70, p. 323-329, 2007. DOI PDF
Angoti, Helio ; Goncalves, Alan; Moura, Frederico Castelo; Monteiro,Mario. Extraocular muscle cysticercosis mimicking idiopathic orbital inflammation: case report. Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia, v. 70, p. 537-539, 2007. DOI PDF
Monteiro, Mario; Moura, Frederico Castelo; Cunha, Leonardo. Bilateral visual loss complicating liposuction in a patient with idiopathic intracranial hypertension. Journal of Neuro- Ophthalmology, Philadelphia, v. 26, n.1, p. 34-37, 2006. DOI PDF
Moura, Frederico Castelo; Goncalves, Alan; Monteiro, Mario. Seesaw nystagmus caused by giant pituitary adenoma. Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria, São Paulo, v. 64, n.1, p. 139-141, 2006. DOI PDF
Leal, Bruno; Moura, Frederico Castelo; Monteiro, Mario. Comparison of scanning laser polarimetry, optical coherence tomography 1 and Stratus optical coherence tomography for the detection of axonal loss in band atrophy of the optic nerve. Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia (Impresso), v. 69, p. 531-537, 2006. DOI PDF
Moura, Frederico Castelo; Cunha, Leonardo; Monteiro, Mario. Bilateral visual loss after liposuction: case report and review of the literature. Clinics (São Paulo), v. 61, p. 489-491, 2006. DOI PDF
Leal, Bruno; Moura, Frederico Castelo; Monteiro, Mario. Retinal nerve fiber layer loss documented by Stratus OCT in patients with pituitary adenoma: case report. Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia, v. 69, p. 251-254, 2006. DOI PDF
Moura, Frederico Castelo; Pereira, Ivana; Marchiori, Paulo; Monteiro, Mario. Paquimeningite hipertrófica idiopática craniana associada a pseudotumor orbitário. Arquivos de Neuro- Psiquiatria, SÃO PAULO, v. 63, n.3, p. 885-888, 2005. DOI PDF
Moura, Frederico Castelo; Lunardeli, Patrícia ; Costa, Claudia; Monteiro, Mario. Hemianopsia por lesão no corpo geniculado lateral. Importância diagnóstica da análise da camada de fibras nervosas pela tomografia por coerência óptica: relato de caso. Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia, SÃO PAULO, v. 68, n.6, p. 860-863, 2005. DOI PDF
Goncalves, Alan; Moura, Frederico Castelo; Moura, Janete; Bloise, Walter; Monteiro, Mario. Comparação entre os resultados da descompressão orbitária antro-etmoidal isolada e associada a remoção de tecido adiposo. Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia, SÃO PAULO, v. 68, n.4, p. 445- 449, 2005. DOI PDF
Goncalves, Allan; Moura, Frederico Castelo; Monteiro, Mario. Bilateral Progressive Enophthalmos as the Presenting Sign of Metastatic Breast Carcinoma. Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Baltimore, v. 21, n.4, p. 311-313, 2005. DOI PDF
Cunha, Leonardo; Goncalves, Alan; Moura, Frederico Castelo; Monteiro, Mario. Perda visual bilateral grave como sinal de apresentação de trombose venosa cerebral: relato de caso. Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia, SÃO PAULO, v. 68, n.4, p. 533-537, 2005. DOI PDF
Pinheiro, ALexandre; Souza, Eduardo; Moura. Frederico Castelo; Vessani, Roberto; Takahashi, Walter. Estudo com tomografia de coerência óptica em pacientes com retinopatia solar. Revista Brasileira de Oftalmologia (Impresso), RIO DE JANEIRO, v. 63, n.5-6, p. 310-314, 2004. DOI PDF
Medeiros, Felipe; Moura, Frederico Castelo; Vessani, Roberto; Susanna, Remo. Axonal loss after traumatic optic neuropathy documented by optical coherence tomography. American Journal of Ophthalmology, New York, v. 135, n.3, p. 406-408, 2003. DOI PDF
Medeiros, Felipe; Pinheiro, Alexandre; Moura, Frederico Castelo ; Leal, Bruno; Susanna, Remo. Intraocular Pressure Fluctuations in Medical versus Surgically Treated Glaucomatous Patients. Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics, New Rochelle, NY, v. 18, n.6, p. 489-498,
2002. DOI PDF